Online Admission Portal 1.0 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Applicant Name *FirstMiddleLast Guardian’s true with DOB *Gender *GenderMaleFemaleTransgenderNationality *Religion *ReligionHinduismIslamChristianitySikhismBuddhismAnimism/AdivasiJainismNo religion2. Parent / Guardian Detail *FirstMiddleLastOccupation *Contact Number *Email *Mother *FirstMiddleLastGuardian’s Name (if applicable)Relationship with Applicant4. Academic Information *Class Last Studied *Reason for Transfer (if applicable)5. Admission Details *Academic Year *Academic Year2024-20252025-20262026-20272027-20282028-2029Preferred Second Language *EnglishHindi6. Medical Information *Blood GroupAB+AB-A+A-B+B-O+O-Any Allergies or Medical Conditions *7. All the neccesary documents as mentioned in the admission process must be attached and brought to the school during admission for further documentation formalities. *Birth CertificateTransfer Certificate (if applicable)Marksheet of Previous ClassAadhar Card or ID ProoPassport-sized Photographs8. Declaration I hereby declare that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing incorrect information may result in the cancellation of admission. *I AgreeName *Date *Submit